The world of OCC

Picture this…

a place where business user’s pop in to have a chat and catch up with all the latest “tips” Not just the headlines but what is under the hood.

Today we have a massive influx of information before us, sifting through the net can take hours so to find something compelling and informative that hits the spot, whether it be of interest or of direct help to your business you are not going to find it in two minutes.

Most entrepreneur’s, business professionals and amateur experts simply don’t have time for their day to day job, let alone the time to find new information that could help them save time and/or money, or even to keep them ahead in the world of business… perhaps many of them read the Financial Times or listen to business news or perhaps have a team of savvy experts feeding them info? The one thing in common that they have however is that they crave the information that will make their job easier, quicker and more successful.

With the introduction of Facebook, Twitter and alike the information highway has become ever more broader and increasingly diverse. So how can the decision makers, the heads of industry, the high flyers, the white and blue collar workers find the pieces of the industry puzzle that will give their job and more importanty their companies the knowhow and potential to make the grade in todays competitive environment.

Perhaps the solution lies in a place where information can be found. There are thousands of really good pieces of advice, the tips from our peers that often get lost or are not noticed.

I would like to create a superblog of sorts that would give advice and help professional people in their day to day life… somewhere they can always find the latest information… the information that can streamline their business, save them time, brighten their gloomy day, tell them what programs they should be utilising individually or in their companies, which and who are the type of staff they should be employing and what is the latest communication trend that they may be missing…

Once you have this type of portal with information updating every hour, you can slowly and carefully introduce other aspects into your portal such as product placement, perhaps advertising, but more importantly… you are now open to take the next step to Online Community Communications with one of the most powerful user groups. The Business Community.

You may also be thinking where would all this information come from and how could you manage it….?
The most important thing is to decide how to utilise the site once you have the traffic business craves..

 Next step? Lets see.

Copyright © 2009 creative images sro.

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